The Requests section was getting a bit too messy, so I decided to integrate a new commenting system called "Intense Debate". Despite the name, I actually didn't install it so people could have intense debates. The two most relevant features is the voting and thread system. I noticed there were some users who actually responded to requests and linked them to sites where there was already a subbed version of the clip. Big thanks to those people :) As for the voting system, instead of everyone requesting the same clip, you guys can vote on a comment that already has. This way I know how many people want what. I trust everyone to not take advantage of the voting system.
The downside to this is that I had to delete the old comments, so I apologize to those of you who have already requested things.
- Someone asked if I could post a download link to a whole video instead of just parts. Unfortunately I cannot do so at this time, please read the FAQ section for more details.
- Megaupload: I would like to thank fariz8888 for pointing out to me that some people cannot access megaupload. For those of you who cannot, or just prefer something else, please visit the "Subbed Videos" section and there will be a link for mediafire.